My Services

1:1 Counseling

Individualized support through sessions over the course of your program. This includes personalized protocols from the first session to the last session.

How it works

Step 1. Sign up for your Clarity Call

I require a 30 minute “Clarity Call” in which you will learn about me and how I coach and I will also learn about you and your health challenges. You can tell me more about yourself and your journey including what your goals are. I can go over the program details with you, and ultimately this “Clarity Call” will allow both of us to determine if we are a good fit to work together.

Step 2. Choose your package

After the “Clarity Call,” you will know which package is best for your needs. I offer a 3 month session, 6 month session, or 12 month session. I require at least 3 months because it takes time to achieve optimal health goals. You won’t see results overnight.

Each package includes:

  • a 60 minute initial consultation

  • Individualized meal plans

  • Weekly follow-up sessions

  • Unlimited email and messaging support

  • Educational content and resources each week

  • Access to supplements with 10% off

Step 3: Sign Up

Meal Planning

Receive meal plans that fit your needs. This can be for a week or months depending on what you’re looking for. Meal plans that I offer are based on the Mediterranean diet.


Each week you will receive a new recipe that fits your needs.