About Me

Hi there! I’m glad you’re here! I’m Miranda, the faithful nutritionist, and I help people achieve healthy bodies based on the Mediterranean diet with motivation through scripture. If you’re looking to create healthy habits, you are in the right spot.

Here’s my story:

I grew up loving and eating all kinds of food, but had no idea what “healthy” meant. So, I went to college to study nutrition and food science. I graduated from Colorado State University(Go Rams!) with a Bachelor’s in Nutrition and Food Science in 2017. I went directly into the work force, working as a nutrition assistant at a hospital for a year before going into nutrition counseling for a weight loss company. After that, I decided to try out the food science side of my degree, working in food safety and quality assurance as a food technician, performing lab tests on spices. While working, I decided to go back to school and am currently working on my Masters in Nutrition and will graduate in December 2024.

I decided I wasn’t fulfilling my purpose in life that God had planned for me. I wasn’t helping people in my career, and I needed something with a bigger impact than what I was doing. I was baptized in September 2023 and I realized that God has bigger plans for me. Helping people and teaching them about nutrition and healthy lifestyles was the answer to my prayers.